MANAGEMENT ASSERTIONS AND AUDIT OBJECTIVES STUDY OBJECTIVE 5 Accounting Information Systems: The Processes and Controls, 2nd Edition Book

management assertion

Public companies, for example, are required by law to have an annual audit of their financial statements. A service organization can greatly reduce the number of resources expended to meet user auditors’ requests by having a Type II SOC 1 audit performed. The service organization can have the SOC audit performed once and then can simply provide a copy of the report to its clients’ auditors rather than having to respond to individual requests or having multiple process audits performed each year by user auditors. That’s because there is no other way to hold the preparers of financial statements accountable. The preparer essentially puts their stamp of approval on the paperwork. The final financial statement assertion is presentation and disclosure.

  • Put simply, the company confirms that it has legal authority and control of all the rights (to assets) and obligations (to liabilities) highlighted in the financial statements.
  • This assertion confirms the liabilities, assets, and equity balances recorded in a financial statement actually (you guessed it) exist.
  • In many cases, an auditor will look at individual customer accounts, including payments.
  • Financial statements are of limited utility if they’re not readily understood by stakeholders.
  • This includes any information on the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, and pertains to each and every asset and liability that appears on these forms.

The auditor is tasked with authenticating the accounts receivable balance as reported through a variety of means, including choosing a particular accounts receivable customer and examining all related activity for that particular customer. Define what is meant by a management assertion about financial statements. Since financial statements cannot be held to a lie detector test to determine whether they are factual or not, other methods must be used to establish the truth of the financial statements.

Audits don’t have to be scary

These statements include the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. Also referred to as management assertions, these claims can be either implicit or explicit. If the auditor finds that the claims are inappropriate, it has implications for the audit report of the entity. The extensive level of assurance gives more reasonable confidence to the auditor. The audit report is the main thing investors search for in the whole set of annual reports.

management assertion

For example, notes payable transactions should never be classified as an accounts payable transaction, with the same being true for interest payable transactions. For example, an auditor may want to examine payroll records to make sure that all salaries and wages expenses have been recorded in the proper period. This may include an examination of payroll records, a payroll journal, an active employee list, and any payroll accruals that were made and reversed in the period being examined. Bank deposits may also be examined for existence by looking at corresponding bank statements and bank reconciliations. Auditors may also directly contact the bank to request current bank balances.


For certified public accountants (CPAs) and other auditors, determining the veracity of these assertions involves testing various aspects of the financial records and disclosures. The valuation assertion is used to determine that the financial statements presented have all been recorded at the proper valuation. The following lists the types of audit assertions in the three areas of a financial audit.

management assertion

The entity holds or controls the rights to assets, and liabilities are the entity’s obligations. Amounts and other data relating to recorded transactions and events have been recorded appropriately. All transactions and events that have been recorded have occurred and pertain to the entity. Transaction level assertions are made in relation to classes of transactions, such as revenues, expenses, dividend payments, etc. IFRS developed ISA315, which includes categories and examples of assertions that may be used to test financial records. If a user or application submits more than 10 requests per second, further requests from the IP address(es) may be limited for a brief period.

How Can a System and Organization Controls (SOC) Report Help?

For example, any statement of inventory included in the financial statement carries the implicit assertion that such inventory exists, as stated, at the end of the accounting period. The assertion of existence applies to all assets or liabilities included in a financial statement. The assertion of accuracy and valuation is the statement that all figures presented in a financial statement are accurate and based on the proper valuation of assets, liabilities, and equity balances. They are the official statement that the figures reported are a truthful presentation of the company’s assets and liabilities following the applicable standards for recognition and measurement of such figures. The general audit objectives described in Exhibit 7-2 may be applied to any category of transaction and the related account balances. Auditors design specific tests to address these objectives in each audit area.

While audit procedures do not provide absolute assurance, an audit is designed to provide readers of financial statements with reasonable assurance an entity’s financial statements fairly present its financial position in all material respects. The assertion of existence is the assertion that the assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity balances appearing on a company’s financial statements exist as stated at the end of the accounting period that the financial statement covers. Put simply, this assertion assures that the information presented actually exists and is free from any fraudulent activity. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the different types of audit assertions and how analytical procedures used to test them helps establish the truthful disclosure of a company’s financial standing. By doing so, you’ll be well-prepared to face the audit procedure with financial information that’s compliant, complete, and correct.

What is an Assertion? How Audit Assertions Relate to SOC Reports

The Oxford dictionary defines an assertion as “a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.” Making an assertion is often used synonymously with stating an opinion or making a claim. Learn a definition of the inventory counting process and understand its importance. Inventory is an asset thus a statement of financial position line item.

What are auditing 5 C’s?

What Are the 5 C's of Internal Audit? Internal audit reports often outline the criteria, condition, cause, consequence, and corrective action.

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